

Today we arrived in Barcelona! We headed straight to our hotel to drop off our bags, our room wasn't going to be ready for another couple of hours since we arrived at 8am.
We headed out for some exploring and took a walk down to the harbour, Port Vell. The yachts were of size huge and oversized!
We continued our journey and ventured towards the best churros in Barcelona. According to Magnus' investigation we would find them at ChurrerĂ­a Laietana. Pretty tasty!

Full on churros and chocolate we were ready for some culture and headed into the Gothic Quarters and the Cathedral of Barcelona. It was incredibly bright at the top of the cathedral, hence Magnus' face, but he was too tired at that point to realize that he wasn't wearing his sunglasses.

After a quick light lunch at the placa next to our hotel our room was finally ready atound noon and we got a couple of hours of well deserved sleep before the evening tapas tour.

Well rested we met our guide Maria at 6pm and headed out for some tapas. We went by the following places and had a great time! We could both easilly become honorary Barcelonians!

Sagardi BCN Argenteria
Tapeo del born
la virateria del call