

Today it was time for cava and local wine. Our guide, Feliciano from Taca de Vi that we found through Winetourismspain picked us up around the corner from our hotel at 9am. Our tour took us to two wineries in the Penedès region just outside of Barcelona.

The first stop was Recaredo a lovely family owned Cava maker, the tour of the facilities and the process was amazing, one of the better tours we have been to. We then got to taste two of their still wines and three of their amazing cavas.

Next stop was Can Bas, another lovely winery, along with the wine tasting we also enjoyed some tapas for lunch.

After a not so short nap we ventured our for dinner. We found some more tapas (notice a pattern?) and cava at La Alcobita. On the way home we found some ice cream for Malin before we eneded the night with a glass of cava (another pattern!) on the balcony.