To Granada

On the road

Before leaving Valencia we did an early morning shopping run at Plaça del Merkat stocking up on ham and cheese for the long drive we had planned.
When the bags were full we walked back to the hotel for breakfast and check out. We set the gps on Granada and we were off! Abour half way there we stopped for picnic at some picnic grounds Magnus found on the way.

Once in Granada we followed the provided directions to our hotel, first time around we missed the small side street because it was hidden behind a bus and we had to exit the old parts and start all over again, apparently we are only allowed to enter the restricted area through one specific road!
We left our bags, checked out our room and went out in search for food! We found a Maroccan place with amazing food.
Once back at the hotel we found out there were people all over the streets waiting for something. Apparently there is a Catholic celebration on saturday, some assescion procession parade and today and tomorrow each Brotherhood is transfering their float to the cathedral from its storage place. Atleast that's what google translate told me the Spanish news articles were about.