Off to Cadiz and Seville

Another huge cathedral and a really old city

Unfortunately the vacation within the vacation has come to an end, it was time to leave Marbella and onto the next stop.
Our first destination was Cadiz, the oldest city in modern Europe. We drove to the old part and except for the Cathedral it didn't look as old as some of the other cities we visited, but if they say it's old it's most likely old.
We found a small local tapas bar for lunch before starting our adventures in the city.


After lunch we went over to the Cathedral, as all the other ones we visited it was huge and impressive, and as usual, built on top of an old mosque. The major difference to the others we have visited was the enourmous crypt that looked really cool! Now Magnus wants to redo the basement!

knock knock! It’s Mange!

It was also possible to climb one of the bell towers so we set off up the ramp, yes a ramp. Instead of building a staircase they built a circular ramp almost all the way to the top, final climb was up a ~10 step spiral staircase.
It was definately worth it, the views were amazing!

No ringing allowed :(

After a quick ice cream we strolled back to the car and drove the last bit to Seville.

When we arrived at the hotel, we were met by a happy surprise in the room, an arcade machine!!!
Luckily Magnus was hungry or I would have had to drag him out of the room! We walked to the jewish quarters and got some tapas.

Dined and happy we wanted to take a short stroll in the around the restarant. We ended up next to the Cathedral and decided to walk around it, the short stroll was no longer short, the Cathedral is huge!
We are now happily back at the hotel taking an early night!

Spanish Cheez Ballz!