
A rainy day

We only had one day planned in Seville, so we tried to get to everything in in one day. Might have worked if it wasn't pouring down which slowed us down some.
The day started with some laundry using Magnus' portable washing machine! It's actually really neat and together with detergent-sheets the cloths actually get clean! He also has a portable clothes line!

With our cloths hung to dry in the bathroom we set out on our busy agenda. Our first stop was the bullfighting ring, Plaza de toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla. When there is no events the arena serves as a museum. I don't think I want to see bullfighting live, but it was very fun to see the arena.

Next we walked by the Real Alcázar, the oldest palace in Europe. When we arrived it was sold out for the day, and since we forgotten that we already had bought tickets from home, we had missed our entry time with 1 hour by the time we found out.
Instead we strolled over to Plaza de España, built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.
It was quite impressive!

Hungry and with some time to spare before the next appointment, we hid from the rain in a restaurant and got some sallad and paella for lunch.

After lunch it was time for the largest Gothic church in the world (also one of the largest overall)! Seville Cathedral - Santa Maria de la Sede. It was enormous, too big to comprehend. They knew how to build back in the day!
While there, we also climed the bell tower. The tower is 105m to the top and the viewing platform is about 1/3 from the top, luckily the path up is a ramp, built for a horse to traverse to the climb was quite ok!